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Thinking Philosophically

  • Do we have a moral responsibility towards less fortunate people?

We have moral responsibility towards less fortunate people but not that much. Our responsibility is to help them and teach them to persevere and work, for them to have a good life and to be successful. They must learn not to depend on the government and also they must learn to discipline their own self. Help them but don’t spoil them because they’ll become abusive, they’ll get used to it, and won’t learn how to live with their own.


  • Is it wrong to divulge a secret someone has confided in you?

Yes. It’s a secret and that person knows that you can be trusted. It’s your responsibility to keep it so that the trust that was given to you won’t be broke. When you have entrusted with a secret you must prove your worth, prove that you’re the person who is trustworthy.


  • Should we eat meat? Should we wear animal skins?

Yes. It is one of the source of nutrients that our body needs.  And wearing animal skins is also good because it’s a form of recycling.

  • Should we try to keep people alive at all costs, no matter what their physical or mental condition?

Yes, of course. People have given the right to live in this world and only God has the right to get their lives. Life is a precious gift and every individual deserves it. Those people who have physical and mental condition has the right to live. They must being treated with love and care because they are the one who needs attention the most.


  • Is it wrong to kill someone in self-defense?

Yes. You have the right to defend your self from strangers but you don’t have the right to kill. You may hurt the stranger who planned to hurt you but you don’t have to kill him. You can report him/her to the police station and let the police imprisoned that person.


  • Should people be given equal opportunities, regardless of race, religion, or gender?

Yes. People have the right to be given equal opportunities because all people have the right to be treated equally. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or boy, lesbian or gay, poor or rich, or whatever religious group you belong, you’re still a person and deserves to be with the same race like others. You have the right to experience all of the things that was being experienced by others.



  • Is it wrong to ridicule someone even if you believe it’s in “good fun”?

It depends to the person that are being fun of. But for me it is wrong, because for me it is a form of bullying. Sometimes because of our harsh jokes and having fun with it, we don’t know that we are already hurting others’ feelings. Also, because of this kind of attitude you can lose some of your friends especially if they’re sensitive. Having fun with a joke is okay but learn your limitations. Think of what others may feel.


  • Should you “bend the rules” to advance your career?

For some people maybe yes or no. But for me its yes, if you think that your own way of learning is more effective than the given rule. You don’t have to follow the way of learning that is not healthy for your career. Every person has their own way on making their rules that will help the in their career. You don’t have to depend on other’s rules always. Learn to live with your own, you’re not getting any younger.


  • Is it all right to manipulate people into doing what you want if you believe it’s for their own good?

It’s okay to manipulate people if it’s for their own good but at some point let them also to decide for themselves so that they won’t feel like you’re holding them back. Manipulating others is also a sign of selfishness. You are being unfair with others. Don’t just focus on what you want for them, learn also to listen to what they want.


  • Is there anything wrong with pornography?

There’s nothing wrong about pornography. It depends on people on how they discipline their own self. There is always a right time and right place for every activities. But always note that pornography is not for children and should not be used as a joke. There is no malice if we are open-minded about things like this. People always say that it is a bad thing, but the truth is they are the reason why it became bad because they used it in a wrong manner.


  • Should we always try to take other people’s needs into consideration when we act or should we first make sure that our own needs are taken are of?

Always take other people’s needs into consideration. Being selfless is much better than being selfish. But at some point, learn also to think about yourself. Don’t be too kind to give and give, learn also to refuse for yourself. Some people are being abusive because of people who are very considerate to others. They give and give until there is nothing left for their own self.


  • Should we experiment with animals in order to improve the quality of our lives?

No. Animal’s way of living is different from our way of living. Animals has also the right live because they are also creatures of our Creator. They are created to live, to play, to be loved, and to experience how beautiful life is. They are not a toy or chemicals to be experimented.


  • In your own words, provide a clear definition of ethical subjectivism. What is attractive about ethical theory? What are the fatal flaws that undermine the credibility of this approach?


For me, ethical subjectivism is an ethical decision that is based on my own principle and my own belief. Ethical subjectivism is “what is right for me, even though it’s not reasonable”. Decision-making on which I don’t care about what others might say, I just focus on myself. I don’t care what others think and I don’t care about their violent reactions.

Fatal flaws that undermine the credibility of this approach:

  • Decision-making has something to do with insecurity


  • Situation: In a classroom, electing of classroom officers

The two nominated students and of them is your friend. You will vote your friend even though she has no potential in leading your class because he/she is your friend or you’re angry with him/her and you want him/her to suffer.


  • Decision-making that has something to do with favoritism


  • Because he/she is your favorite student, he/she is always the “bida” inside the classroom. He/she is always favored even though some of her/his doings is wrong.


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